Welcome to my journey. . .

Looking forward to sharing this experience with all of you!!! May this be just as much of a learning experience for you as it is for me!!! Can't wait to hear what you have to share. I am ready to walk through this journey with you all.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

UPDATE . . .

Ok! So, I celebrated 20 years married the middle of Sept. Hard to believe it has been that long. We have been together for almost 24 years. Went back to where we met and it was as if we went back in time. The place may have looked different, the people dressed very casual . . . we never would have been caught dead there wearing flip flops and shorts or even jeans for that matter, the people were young, but even though we were surrounded by so many changes, I felt like I did 20 years ago. It was incredible! The music was great, (played a lot of our old songs, I guess they never get old) the company, the conversation, it was like we were in our own little world, nothing had really changed, we ordered the same drinks that we used to drink, it couldn't have been more perfect! Hoping to share 100 more years together! My husband is making it easier for me to stay on track as he is doing the same thing as me. It has been nice, even the kids are starting to make better choices! We are both losing at a slow, but healthy rate and I am comfortable with that. Kids are back to school. I miss them, but wait patiently for them to come home to hear all about their day. My older son is getting a life of his own, I so dreaded the day, but I am happy I got 17 years almost all to myself. We still have our evening chats, but I am getting old, I can't stay up as late as I used to . . . Enjoying the Fall weather, something about the crisp air and colorful leaves, makes the day a whole lot better! Started making soups again . . . love soups in fall/winter months, as a matter of fact I am about to sit down and enjoy some kale and bean soup now and watch days of our lives! Could never before have sat down and been satisfied with a bowl of soup for lunch . . . LOVE IT!!! Just finished riding my bike and watching Little house on the Prairie . . . How cool would it be to live then when a new slate or hand sewn dress could mean so much!!! I think I was meant to have lived back then! Soups getting cold, gotta go!

Friday, September 17, 2010

I am sitting in the yard, kids are napping and having some escarole soup with turkey meatballs . Its the weekend yay!!!!

Thursday, September 16, 2010


I can't believe it has already been almost 6 months since my journey started. Where has the time gone? I may not be close to my goal weight yet which is really the reason I started this journey, but what I have discovered on this journey about myself and what I have overcome so far is far better than I could have ever imagined! So I have to say that it has been a successful journey so far and I will keep plugging away! Thank you to those people who have been supportive, no matter how crazy I make them. It has been great having you along on this journey with me.


I forgot just how good I feel after a workout . . . such a sense of accomplishment, a really good feeling!!! Now if I could only have that feeling when I am trying to get myself up to do it ;)

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

DAY 17 . . . I BELIEVE

I have lost 7 lbs to date. I know that it isn't the point, but I was curious and you know what they say about curiosity . . . Lost it without actually doing exercise ;) Summer is almost over and back to routine . . . I love routine, my treadmill is now fixed and can't wait to get back on it. Played dance dance with my daughter yesterday and had a hoot. I am not very coordinated any more, I was out of breath and I looked like an idiot, but it was so much fun. Lets hope I don't keep losing the same 7 lbs over and over as I have before. I must have lost this same 7 lbs over 1000 times. No more, now it is for good . . .