As I sit outside having my tea, I start to think about the dreams I had as a child as well as an adult. I used to dream about being a figure skater and dancer. I tried skating way back when and lets just say that it wasn't something I saw myself doing in the future, you see you have to be some what coordinated (on skates)to pull it off and I was far from coordinated or graceful for that matter. Skating on your ankles isn't attractive no matter how you look at it!!! Dancing, I could have done, not sure why I never did, but to this day wished I had. My kids tell me to go and do it, a couple friends wanted to go with me, but there was always something holding me back . . . too old, over weight, embarrassed, no time, too expensive, you name it. NOW! For some reason I am happy to say that I can actually see myself taking an adult dance class and look forward to that day. I can now visualize myself skinny and dancing, I am even skinny in my dreams. Silly as it may sound, this is actually a big thing for me. I am now seeing and believing it, not just doing it and that makes me happy. I have decided that when I reach my ½ way goal (-30lbs)I will treat myself to an adult dance class and see what I have been missing and who knows maybe my retirement goals will be reached some day as well. The sky is the limit if you just believe!!!
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