I am happy to say that I am back on track once again. Wasn't as hard to do as previous times, very happy about that (any progress is still progress). Hoping not to be making a habit of it!!! I have got some very nice "healthy eating" recipes that I absolutely love, so it doesn't seem like work. They are filling and satisfying and I don't need to eat all day. I am now able to make a healthy dish with meat, vegetables and spices and it actually tastes good. Learning how to cook with little or no salt, no butter and no frying. It wasn't easy, but I am on my way!!!
I am very excited to be going to watch my daughter in her Christmas concert, today. She will be singing. She definitely did not get that talent from me! As I was getting dressed to go, I noticed that my pants were fitting a bit big :) :) :) so I will take that as a sign that I am on track. The big test . . . we will be doing Xmas baking this weekend and next weekend we will be having family over. I did pretty good at Halloween, so am confident that I can handle this!!!
Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas and a Healthy and Happy New Year!!! I will be back in the new year!!!